SOEHARTO : PRESIDENT R.I 2 (1968-1998)

Born : Kemusuk, Argamulyo, Yogyakarta, June 8, 1921.
Religion : Moeslem
Education: Elementary school in Twir, Yogyakarta, and Solo Wuryantoro; Junior high school and religious school in Wonogiri and Yogyakarta (1935-1939); NCO School in Gombong, Central Java (1941).
Experience: Exemplary soldier (1941-1942); Surela police and the Army Map (1942-1945); Guards Commander Soedirman; General Offensive leaders seize the capital city of Yogyakarta (March 1, 1949); Commander Army Strategic Reserve Command and Commander While Army (up to 1965); Commander of the Army (1966); Chairman of the Presidium of the Cabinet Ampera (1966).

Soeharto, born of married couples Sukirah and Kertoredjo. It used to be the old man's just hope his only son home to help in the fields. Gratitude that can continue into ulu-ulu positions in their villages, Kemusuk, Argomulyo, Yogyakarta.

Mr. Suharto must make every effort to get schools, primary schools and secondary schools completed until the first few times moved from Twir, Yogyakarta, Wuryantoro, Solo, Wonogiri and Yogyakarta. Besides, he still managed a religious school, in order to gain knowledge and ideals to worship one god almighty. Then, as called to defend the homeland, Suharto, the country boy continued NCO school in Deal.

Once elected as an exemplary soldier, commander rank it shortly became a sergeant. In the era of Suharto pack Japanese police entered, and then moved to map to the rank of commander of the pioneer. He officially became members of the military on October 5, 1945 when he was 24 years old. Until the last rank of General.

Tasks that once carried by Mr. Suharto, among others; Guards commander Sudirman great; Leading the attack to seize the capital of Indonesia Yogyakarta (March 1, 1949); Commander Mandala / West Irian Liberation (1962-1963), and crush the 30 september 1965 / PKI. The final task that he did based on a warrant March eleven (Supersemar). On that success, then MPRS lifting of general Suharto became president of Indonesia both replacing Sukarno.

As a statesman, Mr. Suharto long a role model among the governments of countries of Southeast Asia (ASEAN). One success is control of the Republic of Indonesia as the largest archipelago country in the world that bependuduk very diverse and very diverse customs. Over the past 20 years without any significant conflict, was previously always noisier.

Success was an opportunity to build a plan and sustainable manner. In the International arena, Indonesia has gained the trust, with the increasing number of co-operation with developing countries. With the enterprising spirit of learning, worship diligently and continually devoting themselves to the nation, it was Suharto children were very bersahaya farmer from the village managed to be a good statesman.

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