Born: Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra, August 12, 1902.

Died: Jakarta, March 14, 1980

Religion: Moeslem

Education: elementary, junior high schools, (BukitTinggaPadang), upper secondary schools in Jakarta, College of the Netherlands

Experience: Writer / Columnist, Warrior Politics Diplomatic, founder of the new PNI, proclaimed Republic of Indonesia.

Dr. Mohammad Hatta name is always fragrant of all time. He included a figure most straight in the leadership of Indonesia's independence. Moreover, his works are great and fundamental, not undermined by friction progress.

Bung Hatta, as he is usually called, was born of a descendant of the famous scholars in West Sumatra. His first name Mohammad Attar. Because the Minang people are generally difficult to call the letter 'r', calling children originally expected to be Kyai had turned into Atta, and Hatta.

Since Elementary School in Hatta Bukittingi ordinary savers, carefully and honestly. When the first secondary school in Padang, he began learning to organize and write to the media. Junior high school graduation Hatta continued to Trade High School in Jakarta, graduated in 1921, and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, studied high school Economics. Talent orbit organization itself became chairman of the Association of Indonesia (1962-1930). When that Hatta and his friends had popularized the name of Indonesia and independence struggles in various world forums. Consequently Hatta and his friends sent to prison in Den Hagg (1927), but they can defend themselves, court freed them of all charges (March 22, 1928).

Tahun1932 Bung Hatta returned to their homeland, and plunge into the political arena for independence. He founded the National Education Indonesia (PNI), but then the Dutch him to prison Glodok. From there successively exiled to Boven Digul (Irian Jaya), bandanaire (Maluku) and Sukabumi (West Java), until then the Japanese came keindonesia.

Towards the proclamation of independence of Indonesia, Bung Hatta and Sukarno soared to figure leading Indonesa, that's why he obtained a mandate sparked the proclamation of August 17, 1945, Yang tomorrow Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta was elected President and Vice President first, and they are known as Duumvirate , But on December 1, 1956 Bung Hatta resigned from the position of Vice President for reasons undisclosed until he died on March 14, 1980.

Dr. Mohammad Hatta, also known as a character called Mr. Koperasi Indonesia on his thoughts about the clauses of the 1945 Constitution, on which the economy of invertebrates cooperative, berazas kinship.

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