Born: Situradja, Sumedang, West Java, October 10, 1924.

Religion: Moeslem

Education: Elementary school, junior high school, high school, Padjadjaran University, courses there.

Experience: Regional Commander V / Jaya Kasad, Chairman of the CPC.

Jend. (Ret) Wirahadikusuma, start education at the time of the Japanese army in Seinendojo, Tangerang, West Java, and then to the map. Early the following year as deputy chief of staff Regiment X, Tasikmalaya with the rank of Captain, thus serving as an aide. After that guards the Siliwangi Division, to become commander of Regiment X / Galuh Siliwangi Division.

He also had been Commander Centre Cavalry, and Pangdam XV / Pattimura in Maluku, when the rank of Lt. Commander orderly Combat Siliwangi (1958), then became commander KMKB (Command Meliter Large City) Jakarta Raya, He rose to Colonel and two weeks later served Jakarta Military Commander.

Umar considered successful quell G.30 S / PKI (1965) when the Regional Commander V / Jaya, therefore he was made Pangkostrad replace Major General Suharto. Some time later given a new assignment as Pangkolaga (the Commander of Mandala Standby). His job is successful, so that later became Chief of Staff (1969-1973).

Following from Kasad already prepared a new task for Umar, led the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Many cases handled by the CPC when under his leadership. But because Omar does not like fanfare that his success was only a few people know. Clearly, the person who put them there confident on the achievements of Umar. That is why after the CPC assignment runs out (1983), Umar Wirahadikusuma elected President R.I to IV.

Umar Wirahadikusuma elected as the vice president without the unexpected, because at that time Umar did not show signs of ambition for office.

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