Birth: Yogyakarta, 12 April 1912

Died: Washington DC, October 2, 1988

Religion: Moeslem

Education: Primary (Yogyakarta), Junior Secondary School (Semarang), High School (Bandung), University (The Netherlands)

Experience: A Javanese King, Governor, Minister of the Cabinet.

SRI SULTAN Hamengkubuwana IX, the One king Nusantara The consequent and consistent support of the Republic of Indonesia since the first day, even since ia Still Candidate crown prince, he is a rare figure in Indonesia. People lie scramble Want To Be Officials, ia fact refused lifted Again taxable income Yang First tenure as Vice President of Consumables, although generally kings ITU Authoritarian ruling. And the attitude of democratic action Sultan singer.

Gusti Raden MasDorodjatun, thus the name Small lane IX, IN in 1930 when studying at Rijkuniveriteit, the Netherlands, has put up the symbol of the struggle of Indonesian independence, red and white flag. By society Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan called Ngarso Dalem OR Sinuwun. Evidence struggle NOT Bit. When Meliter Requires Headquarters in Yogyakarta, ia provides kepatihan Ward as his headquarters. Also Sultan mengikhlaskan when Indonesia's capital position Move to Yogya (1946) BECAUSE state jakarta The Increasingly Not Safe By Disorders Netherlands.

When the Vice President turned Back Starting Position In 1972, Sri Sultan Elected to review first time. After his job running, Sri Sultan then proceeded hearts devotion dharma different community organizations, such as Scouts and KONI Already blazed since Young. Big names lane IX NO Only fragrant For the Indonesian nation, but by international society.

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