Born: Denanyar, Jombang, East Java, 4 August 1940.

Religion : Moeslem

Education: Elementary School, Jakarta (1953); SMEP, Yogyakarta (1956); Pesantren Tambak, Jombang (1959-1963); Department og Higher Islamic and Arabic Studies, Al-Azhar University, Cairo; Faculty of Letters, University of Baghdad, Iraq (1970)

Experience: Teacher Madrasah Mu'alimat, Tambakberas, Jombang (1959-1963); Lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Islamic Theology University Hasyim Ashari, Jombang (1974-1979); Caregiver Pesantren Ciganjur, South Jakarta (1979-Present); Chairman of the Nahdlatul Ulama Tanfidziyah PB (1984-1998).

Gusdur, so K.H. Abdurrahman Wahid was called, a young cleric who likes humor. Supple outgoing, open attitude. Many have put great hope when he was elected chairman of the NU NU to 27 at boarding Salafiah Safi'yah Sukorejo, Situbondo, East Java. Moreover, since the Congress, NU officially returned to NU Khittah 1926. That would leave the practical politics and no organizational ties with the PPP.

People who can not see perfectly this might be the only president in the world democratically elected by the people's representatives. The composition of the House of Assembly election results in 1999 apparently prefer to choose Gusdur, and are reluctant to vote for Megawati Soekarno Putri, The only competitor at the time, for reasons of gender.

The eldest of six children A. Wahid Hasyim, former minister of religion, many holding positions that are advisory teams in the various departments, among others: the Department of Cooperatives (1984), Department of Religion (1985). Gusdur married to Shinta Nuriyah 1968. They had four children.

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