DR. IR. H. SOEKARNO : PRESIDENT R.I 1 : ( 1945-1966 )

Born : Blitar, East Java, June 6, 1901
Death : Jakarta, June 21, 1970
Religion : Moeslem
Education : High School junior high / high school in Surabaya, ITB in Bandung
Experience : Writer / Columnist and political fighter / Diplomatic; Founder PNI (July 4, 1927); Proklamator R.I

Dr. Ir. H. Soekarno born of the royal line of Java, a small time later named Kusno familiar with Bung Karno calls only. He was only a few years of living happily with his parents in Blitar. Graduated primary school live in Surabaya, lodgers in the house H.O.S. Cokrominoto, veteran politician figure Islamic Shari'a. While learning, Soekarno galvanizing spirit of nationalism.

Graduated junior high school, continue their education Soekarno ITB in Bandung. After earning his degree in 1926 I.r, H.O.S Tjokroaminoto take it as law. Soekarno then set up the PNI (Indonesian National Party, 1927) and succeeded in formulating a doctrine Marhaen.

Feeling concerned, the Dutch colonialists and then throw Sukarno to prison Sukamiskin, Bandung (December 29, 1929). Eight months later a new trial in court charged with taking part in an organization that aims to commit crimes in addition to efforts toppled the Dutch East Indies. In his defense entitled Indonesia sued, bravely Bung Karno expose apostasy more advanced nations who claim it. In 1933, the Netherlands dispose of Bung Karno to Endeh Flores, then move it to Bengkulu.

In the days of Japan Bung Karno anticipate elder brothers were greedy. Pretended to cooperate, but to use it for the benefit of Indonesia. Bung Karno and Bung Hatta proclaimed Indonesia's independence on August 17, after Japan to its knees on allies.

at the plenary session PPKI set 1945 as the constitution of RI and chose Soekarno and Hatta as president and first vice-president of Indonesia. With the proclamation of independence of Indonesia, Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of thousands of different ethnic and religious mores in the 17,000 islands from Sabang to Merauke successfully incorporated into a sovereign nation.

Having succeeded in uniting the country, Sukarno tried to gather the nations in Asia, Africa, and Latin America when it was generally colonized, becoming a force to be fair, prosperous, and peaceful. Together with other statesmen, Soekarno Asia-Africa Conference held in Bandung (1955). Now berekembang to Non-bloc hundreds of countries.

Once inside a protracted domestic discord as a result of a number of politicians to impose the implementation of liberal parliamentary democracy, on 5 July 1959 President Soekarno issued a presidential decree back to the 1945 Constitution of Unity and integrity of the people whole again.

But then the Bung Karno implement political system Nasakom (National, Religion, Communists). Political opponents have repeatedly reminded the Bung Karno not to give the opportunity of developing communism, because it will betray it as he had done in 1962 and 1948. Concern was evident again, PKI coup (30 September 1965). But despite pressed. President Soekarno was reluctant to disband the PKI. After a severe state, on 11 March 1966 before he issued a warrant to the general Suharto, better known as Supersemar, to take action, which then disperse the CPI up by the roots.

Toward the end of bhaktinya, proclaimer had said, "I just step forward, this country will be destroyed". he did not budge one bit. Melting himself better than the nation and the country is destroyed.

Although it is now gone, but the great man is undying, eternal in the hearts of the people of Indonesia. it was thanks to his services to the nation's infinite.

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