Born: Jakarta, January 23, 1964.

Religion : Moeslem

Education: Primary School - High School, College Cikini, Jakarta. Lecture Unpad Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Physiology, University of Indonesia.

Experience: Chairman of the PDI (PDI Munaslub 1993); Chairman of the PDI-P (1999-present), Vice President (1999-2001)

DYAH PERMATA MEGAWATI SOEKARNO PUTRI, skipped past his education from elementary school through high school in college Cikini, Jakarta. Megawati, who had studied at the Faculty of Agriculture and Physiology at the UI can not complete his studies because of the political turmoil after the seizure of power from Sukarno by Suharto in 1966.

Apparently the government does not want Megawati became the leader of a political cause with the appearance of megawati feared would threaten Soeharto. In many ways the Soeharto regime Continuously trying to displace Megawati from PDI. Towards the PDI congress was held in 1996 in Medan, in penghelatan it, Soeryani former chairman of PDI PDI raised again became chairman replaces the Mega. Mega supporters angry and occupying the PDI headquarters. Then there was the event known as the July 27 incident.

After the fall of Soeharto, Megawati who inherited her father's charisma to appear again before the 1999 elections turned into a PDI Megawati's PDI-Struggle (PDIP). In democratic elections, the PDI-P won the election by gaining 154 seats in Parliament. But he can not compete with Gusdur in the Presidential election in the Assembly session. Only after Gusdur dropped Parliament, because of the scandal Bullogate and Brunaigate, Megawati as vice president elected to replace K. H. Aburrahman Wahid became president of the RI V.

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