Born: Gresik, East Java, March 12, 1927

Religion: Moeslem

Education: elementary school, junior high, high school, PTHM / FH UI Pass (1962)

Experience: Secretary of State (15 Years), Chairman of Golkar (5 Years)LET Jend. (PUR) H. SUDHARMONO, S.H, became an orphan since childhood. His mother, Mrs. Sukarsi, died during the birth of the youngest brother Soedarmono (1930). His father, R. Worodirejo, followed six months later. Together with his two brothers, Soenar and Siti Sukarni, Soedarmono and joined his uncle who became village clerk Jombang.

In 1937, Soedarmono moved to Rembang, Central Java, lived with his grandfather, R. Soemodihardjo, retired assistant district officer. DHAR, call Soedarmono pass Elementary School (HIS) stayed with pakdenya in Semarang, then resume Junior high school Pendrik. Soedarmono take his high school while struggling, then he entered the Academy of Military Law / Military College (AHM / PTHM), and the Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia (graduated 1962). Being a judge advocate in Medan catch Supreme War Lord of staff officers.

Soedarmono Cabinet Secretary for Economic Stability concurrently Secretary (1966-1972). During dipemerintahan not like impressive closest to the President or by the people. Morale fostered since childhood never disappear. Sedharmono always remember, originally did not have anything, not even an orphan since the age of 3 years, and moved around the foster parents. But with hard work, diligent, careful and always draw closer to God Almighty, so managed to become the Vice President to V after Umar Wirahadikusuma.


Born: Situradja, Sumedang, West Java, October 10, 1924.

Religion: Moeslem

Education: Elementary school, junior high school, high school, Padjadjaran University, courses there.

Experience: Regional Commander V / Jaya Kasad, Chairman of the CPC.

Jend. (Ret) Wirahadikusuma, start education at the time of the Japanese army in Seinendojo, Tangerang, West Java, and then to the map. Early the following year as deputy chief of staff Regiment X, Tasikmalaya with the rank of Captain, thus serving as an aide. After that guards the Siliwangi Division, to become commander of Regiment X / Galuh Siliwangi Division.

He also had been Commander Centre Cavalry, and Pangdam XV / Pattimura in Maluku, when the rank of Lt. Commander orderly Combat Siliwangi (1958), then became commander KMKB (Command Meliter Large City) Jakarta Raya, He rose to Colonel and two weeks later served Jakarta Military Commander.

Umar considered successful quell G.30 S / PKI (1965) when the Regional Commander V / Jaya, therefore he was made Pangkostrad replace Major General Suharto. Some time later given a new assignment as Pangkolaga (the Commander of Mandala Standby). His job is successful, so that later became Chief of Staff (1969-1973).

Following from Kasad already prepared a new task for Umar, led the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). Many cases handled by the CPC when under his leadership. But because Omar does not like fanfare that his success was only a few people know. Clearly, the person who put them there confident on the achievements of Umar. That is why after the CPC assignment runs out (1983), Umar Wirahadikusuma elected President R.I to IV.

Umar Wirahadikusuma elected as the vice president without the unexpected, because at that time Umar did not show signs of ambition for office.


Born: Siantar, North Sumatera, July 22, 1917

Died: Jakarta, 5 September 1984

Religion: Moeslem

Education: Self-learning (self-taught)

Experience: Chairman of MPR / DPR; Chairman of the UN General Assembly

H. ADAM MALIK, only primary school education (HIS) and Islamic elementary schools, then learn on their own. From childhood ideals want to be a politician, it is in conflict with the will of the father, H. Abdul Malik Coal, which expects Adam to become traders. So often at night Adam often sneak out of the house just to listen to a political speech.

Figures with nicknames continues crochet deer career, to succeed seat Partindo Siantar at the age of 17 years (1934-1935). Adam increasingly orbits in the time of independence, he was elected chairman KNIP III (1945-1947), after founding the People's Party (1962). Murba Party (1946-1948), and is also believed to be the head of the Indonesian delegation at the talks Indonesia - Netherlands, Irian Barat (1962).

Son Siantar it in 1966 in a row as the Deputy Minister of Perana II / Foreign Minister ad interim, Deputy Premier II Social and Political affairs / Minister of Foreign Affairs, Minister of Presidium of Political Affairs and the Foreign Minister. The post of Foreign Minister even continuously entrusted to him until 1977, between that time he also became chairman of the UN General Assembly to 26, in New York (1971). He is the only Indonesian who had occupied the post.When elected as chairman of the MPR / DPR only lived 5 months, hurried won the trust as Vice President replaces the lane IX.


Birth: Yogyakarta, 12 April 1912

Died: Washington DC, October 2, 1988

Religion: Moeslem

Education: Primary (Yogyakarta), Junior Secondary School (Semarang), High School (Bandung), University (The Netherlands)

Experience: A Javanese King, Governor, Minister of the Cabinet.

SRI SULTAN Hamengkubuwana IX, the One king Nusantara The consequent and consistent support of the Republic of Indonesia since the first day, even since ia Still Candidate crown prince, he is a rare figure in Indonesia. People lie scramble Want To Be Officials, ia fact refused lifted Again taxable income Yang First tenure as Vice President of Consumables, although generally kings ITU Authoritarian ruling. And the attitude of democratic action Sultan singer.

Gusti Raden MasDorodjatun, thus the name Small lane IX, IN in 1930 when studying at Rijkuniveriteit, the Netherlands, has put up the symbol of the struggle of Indonesian independence, red and white flag. By society Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan called Ngarso Dalem OR Sinuwun. Evidence struggle NOT Bit. When Meliter Requires Headquarters in Yogyakarta, ia provides kepatihan Ward as his headquarters. Also Sultan mengikhlaskan when Indonesia's capital position Move to Yogya (1946) BECAUSE state jakarta The Increasingly Not Safe By Disorders Netherlands.

When the Vice President turned Back Starting Position In 1972, Sri Sultan Elected to review first time. After his job running, Sri Sultan then proceeded hearts devotion dharma different community organizations, such as Scouts and KONI Already blazed since Young. Big names lane IX NO Only fragrant For the Indonesian nation, but by international society.


Born: Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra, August 12, 1902.

Died: Jakarta, March 14, 1980

Religion: Moeslem

Education: elementary, junior high schools, (BukitTinggaPadang), upper secondary schools in Jakarta, College of the Netherlands

Experience: Writer / Columnist, Warrior Politics Diplomatic, founder of the new PNI, proclaimed Republic of Indonesia.

Dr. Mohammad Hatta name is always fragrant of all time. He included a figure most straight in the leadership of Indonesia's independence. Moreover, his works are great and fundamental, not undermined by friction progress.

Bung Hatta, as he is usually called, was born of a descendant of the famous scholars in West Sumatra. His first name Mohammad Attar. Because the Minang people are generally difficult to call the letter 'r', calling children originally expected to be Kyai had turned into Atta, and Hatta.

Since Elementary School in Hatta Bukittingi ordinary savers, carefully and honestly. When the first secondary school in Padang, he began learning to organize and write to the media. Junior high school graduation Hatta continued to Trade High School in Jakarta, graduated in 1921, and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, studied high school Economics. Talent orbit organization itself became chairman of the Association of Indonesia (1962-1930). When that Hatta and his friends had popularized the name of Indonesia and independence struggles in various world forums. Consequently Hatta and his friends sent to prison in Den Hagg (1927), but they can defend themselves, court freed them of all charges (March 22, 1928).

Tahun1932 Bung Hatta returned to their homeland, and plunge into the political arena for independence. He founded the National Education Indonesia (PNI), but then the Dutch him to prison Glodok. From there successively exiled to Boven Digul (Irian Jaya), bandanaire (Maluku) and Sukabumi (West Java), until then the Japanese came keindonesia.

Towards the proclamation of independence of Indonesia, Bung Hatta and Sukarno soared to figure leading Indonesa, that's why he obtained a mandate sparked the proclamation of August 17, 1945, Yang tomorrow Sukarno and Mohammad Hatta was elected President and Vice President first, and they are known as Duumvirate , But on December 1, 1956 Bung Hatta resigned from the position of Vice President for reasons undisclosed until he died on March 14, 1980.

Dr. Mohammad Hatta, also known as a character called Mr. Koperasi Indonesia on his thoughts about the clauses of the 1945 Constitution, on which the economy of invertebrates cooperative, berazas kinship.


Indonesian President VI: 2004-2009. This big tall man getting his name fluttered in the era of President Wahid. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, even Gusdur at the time had called the four-star general as a presidential candidate who has okay.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, commonly called a press with SBY, was born in Pacitan, Central Java, on September 9, 1949. military career began to soar after SBY became the platoon commander in the Airborne Infantry Battalion 330 in 1974.

SBY then became a platoon commander of Battalion 330 in 1996, and in 1981 became the Army Headquarters Operations Officer. Tahun1996 SBY served as Chief Ministry Of Military Observer in Bosnia Herzegovina, and jumped into Assospol Kassospol TNI.

In the era of Gus Dur, SBY position of the Minister of Mines and Energy (Mentamben). SBY known Low Profile, Wahid was also appointed as a negotiator (representing the government) with the first family to restore the wealth of Suharto.

When Gusdur tip of the horn, the President appointed a coordinating minister Polsoskam and control edict issued Dusdur assessing the political state of emergency. SBY rejected the presidential decree implementing the plan. It does not make the star dimmed. SBY even be a candidate in the SI MPR vice president in late July 2001. It then became the Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Mutual Cooperation Cabinet of President Megawati Sukarnoputri, (August 9, 2001-2004), the Joint Yusuf Kalla became the leading candidate of President and Vice President in the presidential stage II then win it. Yudhoyono and Yusuf Kalla officially sworn in as President and Vice President on October 20, 2004.