Indonesian President VI: 2004-2009. This big tall man getting his name fluttered in the era of President Wahid. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, even Gusdur at the time had called the four-star general as a presidential candidate who has okay.

Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, commonly called a press with SBY, was born in Pacitan, Central Java, on September 9, 1949. military career began to soar after SBY became the platoon commander in the Airborne Infantry Battalion 330 in 1974.

SBY then became a platoon commander of Battalion 330 in 1996, and in 1981 became the Army Headquarters Operations Officer. Tahun1996 SBY served as Chief Ministry Of Military Observer in Bosnia Herzegovina, and jumped into Assospol Kassospol TNI.

In the era of Gus Dur, SBY position of the Minister of Mines and Energy (Mentamben). SBY known Low Profile, Wahid was also appointed as a negotiator (representing the government) with the first family to restore the wealth of Suharto.

When Gusdur tip of the horn, the President appointed a coordinating minister Polsoskam and control edict issued Dusdur assessing the political state of emergency. SBY rejected the presidential decree implementing the plan. It does not make the star dimmed. SBY even be a candidate in the SI MPR vice president in late July 2001. It then became the Coordinating Minister for Political, Social and Security Mutual Cooperation Cabinet of President Megawati Sukarnoputri, (August 9, 2001-2004), the Joint Yusuf Kalla became the leading candidate of President and Vice President in the presidential stage II then win it. Yudhoyono and Yusuf Kalla officially sworn in as President and Vice President on October 20, 2004.

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